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" ... mansion. On another occasion there was a fierce riot at Rainham. There the manor had become divided into three portions, as we have seen was the case at Rougham. One Thomas de Hauville had one portion, and Thomas de Ingoldesthorp and Robert de Scales... "
Historical Studies - Page 40
de Augustus Jessopp, Samuel James Capper, Frederic Harrison, Oscar Browning - 1883 - 205 pages
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The Coming of the Friars: And Other Historic Essays

Augustus Jessopp - 1889 - 404 pages
...portion, and Thomas de Ingoldesthorp and Robert de Scales held the other two portions. Thomas de Hauville, peradventure, felt aggrieved because some rogue had...justice, whereupon he went to the expense of erecting a brand new pillory, and apparently a gallows too, to strike terror into the minds of the disorderly....
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The universal anthology, a collection of the best literature, with ..., Volume 9

Richard Garnett - 1899 - 432 pages
...portion, and Thomas de Ingoldesthorp and Robert de Scales held the other two portions. Thomas de Hauville, peradventure, felt aggrieved because some rogue had...sixty of the people of Rainham, they pulled down the new pillory and utterly destroyed the same. When the case came before the judges, the defendants pleaded...
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The Bibliophile Library of Literature, Art and Rare Manuscripts: History ...

Forrest Morgan, Caroline Ticknor - 1904 - 396 pages
...portion, and Thomas de Ingoldesthorp and Robert de Scales held the other two portions. Thomas de Hauville, peradventure, felt aggrieved because some rogue had...sixty of the people of Rainham, they pulled down the new pillory and utterly destroyed the same. When the case came before the judges, the defendants pleaded...
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The Coming of the Friars: And Other Historic Essays

Augustus Jessopp - 1903 - 366 pages Scales held the other two portions. Thomas de Hauville, peradventure, felt aggrieved because some had not been whipped or tortured cruelly enough to...justice, whereupon he went to the expense of erecting a brand new pillory, and apparently a gallows too, to strike terror into the minds of the disorderly....
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The Coming of the Friars: And Other Historic Essays

Augustus Jessopp - 1917 - 360 pages
...portion, and Thomas de Ingoldesthorp and Robert de Scales held the other two portions. Thomas de Hauville, peradventure, felt aggrieved because some rogue had not been whipped or tortured cruelly loo VILLA CE LIFE '; > enough to suit his notions of salutary justice, where* upon he went to the expense...
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The Twentieth Century, Volume 13

1883 - 1120 pages
...jewels were, and, having seized them, I conclude that they left her to warm herself at the smouldering ruins of her mansion. On another occasion there was...justice, whereupon he went to the expense of erecting a brand new pillory, and apparently a gallows too, to strike terror into the minds of the disorderly....
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The Nineteenth Century, Volume 13

1883 - 1114 pages
...herself at the smouldering ruins of her mansion. On another occasion there was a fierce riot at Eainham. There the manor had become divided into three portions,...justice, whereupon he went to the expense of erecting a brand new pillory, and apparently a gallows too, to strike terror into the minds of the disorderly....
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