| 1743 - 604 pages
...Reigns of King Edward the Firll and Second, large and/mall Paper - — — 1 66 1 ¿0664 A Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm, from the 4gth of King Henry the Hid, until 1685, extracted from Publick Records, by Sir Wm. Dug Jale, large... | |
 | Thomas Osborne - 1744 - 604 pages
...the Lords in the Tower, on Monday the 20th of May, 1679 1679 3790 Dugdale's perfeft Copy of all the Summons of the Nobility to the great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm, from the 491)1 of K.Henry III, until 1 68 j 1685 3791 Bohun's Collection of Debates, Reports, Orders, and Refolutions... | |
 | New and general biographical dictionary - 1761 - 466 pages
...efq; fon of Chriftopher lord Hatton. The laft thin* he publi/hed, was, " A perfect copy of all fummons of the *' nobility to the great councils and parliaments of this realm, " from the 491)1 of king Henry III, until thefe prefent time*. *' With catalogues of fuch noblemen, as have been... | |
 | Dresden sächs. Landesbibl - 1775 - 748 pages
...Aoions of the English Nobility, by tVilliamDuGDALE, Tom. I - III. Lond. 167?. ф. 33. бр A perfeñ Copy of all Summons of the Nobility, to the great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm, ftom Henry the III. until thefe prefent Times, by William DUGDALE, Lond. i68y. §.33. 70 Pdmlldum Olivae... | |
 | Benjamin White - 1784 - 1016 pages
...23 6d 1749 1125 Cox's Hiftory of Ireland, 2 vol. with maps, i8s 1689 1126 Dugdale'e Copy of all the Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and 'Parliaments of this Realm, original editien, 1685 1127 Dugdale's Summons to Parliament, the gtnuine edition, neatly bound ia RtJJut... | |
 | Benjamin White and Son - 1792 - 356 pages
...Monaßlcon Angllcanum, 3 vol. cum figuris Hollar i, corlo Turneo - Land. 1655 1366 Dugdale's Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the great Councils and Parliaments, original edition, bound in. Ru/ia, 3! 135 6d - - 1685 1367 Dugdale's Hiftory of St. Paul's Cathedral,... | |
 | G.W. Johnson - 1795 - 418 pages
...year following, with many additions. The laft thing he publifhed, was, " A perfect copy of all fummons of the nobility to the great councils and parliaments of this realm, from the 49th of king Henry III. until thefe prefent times. With catalogues of fuch noblemen, as have been fummoned... | |
 | John Aikin - 1802 - 686 pages
...with a Catalogue of the Nobility, and of Knights of the Garter and Baronets," 1681, 8vo. : " A perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the great Councils and Parliaments, from 49th of Henry III. to the present Times," 1685, folio. He compiled a number of other volumes,... | |
 | 1810 - 426 pages
...England and Wales, with Stetens't continuation. Plates, good copy. very scarce. 17 1 8-22 1897 perfect copy of all summons of the Nobility to the great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm, from the 49th. of Henry 3d. until these present times, neat со/у. 2/10* 1658 1898 View of the Troubles in... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1813 - 560 pages
...beginning of the year following, with large additions. The las'! work he published, was, " A perfect copy of all summons of the nobility to the great councils and parliaments of this realm, from the 49th of king Henry III. until these present times, &c." 1685, folio. He wrote some other pieces relating... | |
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