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Statutes at Large,

From the First Year of K. HEN. V.


The 22d Year of King EDW. IV. inclusive,




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Twenty-second Year of King EDW. IV. inclusive.

To which is prefixed,

A TABLE containing the TITLES of all the STATUTES
during that Period.


By DANBY PICKERING, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;
Reader of the Law Lecture to that Honourable Society.


Printed by JOSEPH BENTHAM, Printer to the UNIVERSITY;
for CHARLES BATHURST, at the Cross-Keys, opposite St. Dunstan's
Church in Fleet-Street, London. 1762.





Containing the Titles of all such Acts as are extant in print, from the ist year of K. HENRY V. to the 22d of K. EDWARD IV. both inclusive.

Anno 1 Hen. 5.

Cap. 1. Concerning elections of knights, citizens and burgesses of parliament.

Cap. 2. A confirmation of former statutes against wears, kiddels, &c.

Cap. 3. Against forgers of deeds. Cap. 4. That sheriffs bailiffs shall not be in the fame office in three years after, nor be attornies. Cap. 5. That the defendant's addition shall be given where process of outlawry lieth.

Cap. 6. That Welchmen shall take no revenge against the English pursuers in the late rebellion.

Cap. 7. Againft aliens taking any benefices in England.

Cap. 8. Against Irishmen repairing to England.

Cap. 9. That the revenues of Calais shall be employed to the mainte

nance thereof.

Cap 10. By what measure purveyors shall take and buy corn.

Anno 2 Hen. 5. Stat. 1. Cap. 1. Power given to ordinaries to enquire of the government of hofpitals.

Cap. 2. Concerning writs of Certiorari, or Corpus cum caufa, granted for perfons in execution. Cap. 3. For granting a copy of the libel in the spiritual court. Cap. 4. Concerning the office of a juftice of the peace and of labour


Cap. 5. For process against felons dwelling in Tyndal or Examshire. VOL.III.

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Cap. 8. For fuppreffing riots, routs,

and unlawful assemblies.

Cap. 9. Against those who commit felony and flee into an unknown place.

2 Hen. 5. ftat. 2. Cap. 1. What fort of persons shall be justices of peace. Cap. 2. For wages of priests. Cap. 3. For the fufficiency of jurors. Cap. 4. Concerning goldsmiths, and gilding of filver ware. Cap. 5. To prevent rebellions, felonies, &c. by Welchmen. Cap. 6. Concerning exportation of merchandises of the staple.

Anno 3 Hen. 5. ftat. 1. Cap. 1. Felony to import any fort of money forbidden by former statutes: and for abolishing Gally half-pence, suskins and dotkins.

Anno 3 Hen. 5. ftat. 2. Cap. 1. A confirmation of liberties, franchises, &c. and all statutes not repealed.

Cap. 2. Concerning abbots and priors being suitors to certain courts baron.

Cap. 3. Britons not made denizens shall depart the realm.

Cap. 4. Against provisions, &c. of

a benefice full of an incumbent. Cap. 5. Concerning attaints upon a false verdict given in the city of Lincoln.

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