CD in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough, and also all such lands and tenements, rectories, tithes, rents, and hereditaments, including lands and hereditaments of copyhold or customary tenure, in your bailiwick, as the said CD, or... New Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, and Other Courts: With Tables of the ... - Page 359de Peregrine Bingham - 1839Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | George Atkinson - 1839 - 524 pages
...'I'ne t|ay we command you that without delay you cause to be delivered to the said on which A. JB. by a reasonable price and extent all the goods and chattels of the mgA"wg said CD in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough, and entered up, also all... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Chancery, Charles Beavan - 1840 - 692 pages
...been levied. THEREFORE WE COMMAND you that without delay you cause to be delivered to the said AB, by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and...bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough ; and (a) The day on which the (c) The date of the Master's Decree or Order was made. certificate of taxation,... | |
 | John Frederick Archbold, Thomas Chitty - 1840 - 914 pages
...against purchasers, mortgagees, and creditors) has been extended so as to give the plaintiff execution of all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents,...and hereditaments of copyhold or customary tenure, as the debtor, or any person in trust for him, shall have been seised or possessed of at the time of... | |
 | William Hayes - 1840 - 718 pages
...superior courts at Westminster, to make and deliver execution unto the party in that behalf suing of all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents,...and hereditaments of copyhold or customary tenure, as the person against whom execution is so sued, or any person in trust for him, shall have been seised... | |
 | William Blackstone, John Bethune Bayly - 1840 - 764 pages
...superior courts at Westminster, to make and deliver execution unto the party in that behalf suing, of all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents,...and hereditaments of copyhold, or customary tenure, as the person against whom the execution is so sued, or any person in trust for him, shall have been... | |
 | Richard Shipman - 1840 - 794 pages
...nature and effect thereof, or was fully informed of the same." 11. Executions made effectual against "all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents,...and hereditaments of copyhold, or customary tenure, as the person against whom execution is so sued, or any person in trust for him, shall have been seised... | |
 | George Barclay Mansel - 1840 - 286 pages
...been levied : Therefore we command you that without delay you cause to be delivered to the said AD by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and chattels of the said CD in your baili• The day on which the costs of removing the rule of the inferior Court into the Court of QB... | |
 | Thomas Chitty - 1840 - 762 pages
...have been levied. Therefore we command you that without delay you cause to be delivered to the said AB by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and chattels of the said C. I). in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough, and also all such lands, tenements,... | |
 | John Frederick Archbold - 1840 - 986 pages
...superior courts at Westminster, shall operate « a charge upon all lands, tenements, rectories, advowsons, tithes, rents, and hereditaments (including lands and hereditaments of copyhold or customary tenure) of or to which such person shall at the time of entering up such judgment, or at any time afterwards,... | |
 | Solomon Atkinson - 1842 - 580 pages
...statute in such case mads and provided, chose to be delivered to him, her, or them (as tlie case may be), all the goods and chattels of the said CD in your...except his oxen and beasts of the plough ; and also such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents, and hereditaments, including lands and hereditaments... | |
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