CD in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough, and also all such lands and tenements, rectories, tithes, rents, and hereditaments, including lands and hereditaments of copyhold or customary tenure, in your bailiwick, as the said CD, or... New Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, and Other Courts: With Tables of the ... - Page 359de Peregrine Bingham - 1839Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | John William Smith - 1842 - 258 pages
...delay you cause to be delivered to the said AB, by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods arid chattels of the said CD in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough, and also a moiety of all the lands and tenements in your bailiwick, whereof the said CD or any person or persons... | |
 | 1842 - 556 pages any action in any of her Majesty's Superior Courte at Westminster, execution may be delivered uf all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes rents,...and hereditaments of copyhold or customary tenure, as the person nennst whom execution is so sued, or any person in trust for » Seean/e, p. 211,213.... | |
 | Samuel Miller - 1842 - 518 pages
...been levied. THEREFORE WE COMMAND YOU that, without delay you cause to be delivered to the said AB by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and chattels of the said C. 1). in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough ; and also all such lands, tenements,... | |
 | Basil Montagu, Edward Erastus Deacon, Great Britain. Court of Review - 1842 - 972 pages
...according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, chose to be delivered to him afl the goods and chattels of the said CD in your bailiwick, except Us oxen and beasts of the plough ; and also all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents and... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Chancery, James William Mylne, Richard Davis Craig - 1843 - 782 pages
...been levied. THEREFORE WE COMMAND you that without delay you cause to be delivered to the said AB, by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and...and beasts of the plough ; and also all such lands and tenements, rectories, tithes, rents, and hereditaments, including lands and hereditaments of copyhold... | |
 | Frederick Prideaux - 1843 - 192 pages
...Majesty,s superior courts at Dublin, to make and deliver execution unto the party in that behalf suing, of all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents...and hereditaments, including lands and hereditaments which may be of copyhold tenure, as the person against whom execution is so sued, or any person in... | |
 | John Frederick Archbold - 1844 - 522 pages
...been levied. Therefore we command yoa, that without delay, you cause to be delivered to the said AB, by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and...the said CD in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beast: of the plough ; and also all such lands, tenements, rectories, tithes, rents, and hereditaments,... | |
 | Hubert Ayckbourn - 1844 - 572 pages
...been levied. Therefore we command you, that without delay, you cause to be delivered to the said AB by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and chattels of the said C D. in your bailiwick, except his oxen and beasts of the plough, and also all such lands and tenements,... | |
 | Charles Davidson - 1844 - 740 pages
...superior courts of Westminster ahull operate as a charge upon all lands, tenements, rectories, advowsons, tithes, rents, and hereditaments, (including lands...and hereditaments of copyhold or customary tenure), of or to which such person shall, at the time of entering up such judgment, or at any time afterwards,... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Henry Davison, Herman Merivale - 1844 - 854 pages
...1843. 1843. CASES IN THE QUEEN S BENCH, requires the sheriff to cause to be delivered to the tenant, by a reasonable price and extent, all the goods and chattels of the defendant, except his oxen and beasts of the plough, and also a moiety of all his lands. .And it is... | |
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